From Which Platform?

  From Platforms 1 to 11
From Platforms 12 and 13
From Platforms 14 and 15 (Low Level)

From Platforms 1 to 11

As this is a terminus station, you continue beyond the front of the trains into the concourse. The Virgin and GNER services will normally arrive at the lower numbered platforms (1 to 5), whilst the higher numbered platforms are served by local, Scotrail services.

Since the ends of the platforms aren't in line, (see our general Description page for details of the layout of the concourse and platforms) and there's no tactile paving near the edge of the platforms, we suggest that, if you arrive on platforms 7 to 11, you continue forward (north) to the far side of the concourse before attempting to turn right towards lower numbered platforms.

To Which Platform?

  To Platforms 1 to 10
To Platforms 11 to 13
To Platforms 14 and 15 (Low Level)
To Platforms 1 to 10

Cross to the right-hand (east) side of the concourse turn right and continue to the wall in front of you. This is the end of track 1. Turn right, passing platforms 1 - 2, Starbucks, platforms 3 - 4, West Cornwall Pasty Co. and platforms 5 - 6. Beyond here is a building housing Upper Crust, go to your left of this and continue (west) past platforms 7 - 8. The end of track 8 is about four metres left of that of track 7.

As you continue from here, you return to the tiled surface of the concourse, whose left-hand side has retreated considerably, a building housing Franco's Italian Cuisine is in front of you to your left. Turn left, passing two rows of pay phones on your left, this brings you onto platform 9.

The first part of the middle of the island platform 9 and 10 is occupied by the Left Luggage and Lost Property office (entrance on platform 10). There is a gap between the north end of this and a building housing a lift (not for public use). You can either go through here, or round the Left Luggage office then turn right onto platform 10.


To Platforms 11 to 13

Go to the left-hand (west) side of the concourse and turn left. Follow this side of the concourse beyond the shops and police station. The building front veers right (southwest) beyond WH Smith. Continue, past the gap with railings beside the road, beyond the building housing steps and escalators to the low level, then past the Virgin Trains customer lounge. You're now on platform 11. For platforms 12 and 13, turn right after the access to the low level and continue, across the road, (traffic comes from your right, pedestrians have priority). There is no tactile paving either side of this road, though there are bollards between the parking spaces and the platform.

For platform 13, we suggest you turn right (north) and continue to the railings between you and the road, which has now turned left. Turn left, continue, past the lift to the low level, to the west wall of the station then turn left. You're now on platform 13.


To Platforms 14 and 15 (Low Level)

Go to the left-hand (west) side of the concourse and turn left. Follow this side of the concourse beyond the shops. Note that the building front veers right (southwest) beyond WH Smith. Continue past the gap with railings beside the road and locate the building with the escalators and steps to the low level concourse, in front of you.

As you face this building, the downward escalator is to your left of the upward one and the steps are to the right of these. Go down the escalator, or three flights of steps to the low level concourse.

Turn left and continue, past the ticket sales windows on your left. You can turn right here to go down the steps, or continue round the barrier to the escalators. At the end of the barrier, turn left (180 degrees), the downward escalator is in front of you. Go down the escalator and continue forward along the passage, turn left at the end, then take the turning right, down two flights of steps onto the platform. Platform 14, eastbound is to your right, you're about in the middle of the train.


If you prefer to use the steps, continue, into the recess on the south side of the low level concourse. Go down a flight of steps, turn right (180 degrees), down another flight of steps to the intermediate level. Move forward, about three metres and take the turning left (west), turn left at the end then take the turning right, down two flights of steps onto the platform. Platform 14, eastbound is to your right, you're about in the middle of the train.


From Platforms 12 and 13

These platforms are separated from the rest of the main station by the road which enters from Hope street. We suggest you continue (north) from the front of the train, beyond the end of the platforms. You should either find the lift (platform 13) or the railing beside the road, in front of you.

To Which Platform?

  To Platforms 1 to 11
To Platforms 14 and 15 (Low Level)
To Platforms 1 to 11

Turn right, cross the road (pedestrians have priority) and continue forward for a few metres before turning left into the concourse. If you find railings, or a building in front of you, turn right and follow this round to your left into the concourse, or turn right onto platform 11.

For lower numbered platforms, we suggest you continue forward (north), following the left-hand side of the concourse to the far wall, turn right, continue to the east side of the concourse and turn right again. This is out of your way, but it guards against you misjudging the distance to the ends of the lower numbered platforms which are a long way north of the end of platform 11. The buildings on the west side of the concourse start opposite the end of platform 11, but the front of the buildings is aligned northeast/southwest between the access to the lower level and some distance along the shopping section. The building front veers left (north) just beyond the door to Claire's Accessories, which is opposite the end of platform 9. You can continue north from here, past the recess towards the upper level, beyond Marks & Spencer Simply Foo. Note that the Marks & Spencer building curves left onto a platform which leads you towards steps up to the north entrance to Yates's Wine Lodge. If you find yourself here, you could go down the six steps to your right, onto the slope down towards Hope Street, cross this then turn right along the north side of the concourse.

On reaching the east side of the concourse, turn right and continue to the wall in front of you. This is the end of track 1. Turn right, passing platforms 1 - 2, Starbucks, platforms 3 - 4, West Cornwall Pasty Co. and platforms 5 - 6. Beyond here is a building housing Upper Crust, go to your left of this and continue (west) past platforms 7 - 8. The end of track 8 is about four metres left of that of track 7.

As you continue from here, you return to the tiled surface of the concourse, whose left-hand side has retreated considerably, a building housing Franco's Italian Cuisine is in front of you to your left. Turn left, passing two rows of pay phones on your left, this brings you onto platform 9.

The first part of the middle of the island platform 9 and 10 is occupied by the Left Luggage and Lost Property office (entrance on platform 10). There is a gap between the north end of this and a building housing a lift (not for public use). You can either go through here, or round the Left Luggage office then turn right onto platform 10.


To Platforms 14 and 15 (Low Level)

We suggest you use the lift from platform 13. If you have a valid pass or ticket, you can go to the intermediate level. You leave the lift via the same door, facing south; turn right and continue to the end then turn left. Continue to the end then turn left again to the lower lift. You exit this through the same door, facing west. Platform 14, eastbound is to your right, you're towards the front of the eastbound (rear of the westbound) trains.


If you need a ticket, leave the lift at the low level concourse. You leave via the same door, facing south. Turn left and continue, past the steps and escalators from the main concourse, to find the ticket sales windows on your left, then proceed as above.


From Platforms 14 and 15 (Low Level)

From the rear of the eastbound train, go towards the front (east); from the front of the westbound, go towards the rear.

If you want to use the steps, they're in the near (west) wall of the first building. Go up two flights of steps, turn left, turn right at the end and continue forward to the foot of the escalators. Either continue up the escalator (left-hand), turn right (south) at the top and right into the low level concourse, or turn right, go up a flight of steps, turn left (180 degrees), up another flight, go forward about three metres and turn left, in the low level concourse.

Continue forward and locate the escalators to the main concourse to your right. You'll need the second (left-hand as you face). The steps are just beyond the escalators (three flights). If you want platforms 12 and 13, we suggest you use the lift, as described below.

If you're using the lift, the door is in the near wall of the second building, the call button is to your left of the door and there are clear verbal instructions. At the top, (intermediate level) you come out through the same (west) door, turn right, turn right again at the corner and locate the lift door on the left-hand side of the passage.

The call button is to your left and there are clear, verbal instructions. You emerge in the main concourse, opposite the start of platform 13, facing the platform, turn left to the road then turn right onto platform 12.


To Which Platform?

For platform 11, turn right from the top of the escalator or steps, continue to the corner of the building and turn right again, continue onto the platform.


For lower numbered platforms, we suggest you continue forward, following the left-hand side of the concourse to the far wall, turn right, continue to the east side of the concourse and turn right again. This is out of your way, but it guards against you misjudging the distance to the ends of the lower numbered platforms which are a long way north of the end of platform 11.

The buildings on the west side of the concourse start opposite the end of platform 11, but the front of the buildings is aligned northeast/southwest between the access to the lower level and some distance along the shopping section. The building front veers left (north) just beyond the door to Claire's Accessories, which is opposite the end of platform 9. You can continue north from here, past the recess towards the upper level, beyond Marks & Spencer Simply Foo. Note that the Marks & Spencer building curves left onto a platform which leads you towards steps up to the north entrance to Yates's Wine Lodge. If you find yourself here, you could go down the six steps to your right, onto the slope down towards Hope Street, cross this then turn right along the north side of the concourse.

On reaching the east side of the concourse, turn right and continue to the wall in front of you. This is the end of track 1. Turn right, passing platforms 1 - 2, Starbucks, platforms 3 - 4, West Cornwall Pasty Co. and platforms 5 - 6. Beyond here is a building housing Upper Crust, go to your left of this and continue (west) past platforms 7 - 8. The end of track 8 is about four metres left of that of track 7.

As you continue from here, you return to the tiled surface of the concourse, whose left-hand side has retreated considerably, a building housing Franco's Italian Cuisine is in front of you to your left. Turn left, passing two rows of pay phones on your left, this brings you onto platform 9.

The first part of the middle of the island platform 9 and 10 is occupied by the Left Luggage and Lost Property office (entrance on platform 10). There is a gap between the north end of this and a building housing a lift (not for public use). You can either go through here, or round the Left Luggage office then turn right onto platform 10.


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© 2004, Terry Robinson