Lines Served

There are direct services from Leeds to:



We're reliably informed that Leeds used to have two stations which have now been combined and redeveloped to form Leeds City Station. One consequence of this is that the concourse is divided into two parts, called the north and south concourse. For some historic reason, however, that which is called the south concourse lies north of the north concourse.

The two sections of the concourse are joined by a walkway, running north/south, past the travel centre which is on the east side of the station.

The gates towards the platforms leave from the southeast corner of the north concourse, opposite the main entrance.

There are 17 platforms, generally numbered from 1 to 17 from north to south. I say "generally" because there are some exceptions which need to be understood, see below.

Platforms 1 to 8 can be accessed directly from the gates. Two bridges, which we call west and east, connect the remaining platforms to this part of the station.

The west bridge is the main bridge, offering up-escalator, step and lift access throughout. There is also a down escalator from this bridge into the area inside the gates.

The east bridge only offers step access between platforms.

Readers should note that there's an emergency exit beyond the west end of platform 17, which, via a series of steps, emerges onto the canal tow path, to the south of the station.

The Platforms

I mentioned above that readers should note the exceptional layout of the platforms in this station. The following list is given for guidance.

The Sub-division of Platforms

These platforms are divided into sections, which are labelled alphabetically from the west end. Here again, there's sufficient inconsistency about this for me to list them individually.


This station offers comprehensive step, escalator and lift access so it should be accessible to wheelchair and guide dog users.

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© 2005, Terry Robinson

This guide is sponsored by
The Strategic Rail Authority
to whom we extend our sincere thanks.