
The refurbishment of this station has provided lift and stairs access to the mainline platforms, however, to date, there is only escalator access to the Subway. We will, therefore, only provide directions including escalator routes between the mainline and Subway platforms.

From Which Platform?

  From Platform 1, Eastbound Mainline
From Platform 2, Westbound Mainline
From the Subway, Inner Circle
From the Subway, Outer Circle

From Platform 1, Eastbound Mainline

The doors open on your left as you face the front of the train. The waiting area, with two sets of automatic doors, is about in the middle of the platform. The doors nearer the rear of the train lead towards the escalators, whilst those nearer the front lead towards the stairs and lifts. A walkway joins these two sections of the waiting area.

There's tactile paving along the edge of the platform.

Via the Lift, to Platform 2, Westbound

Go through the doors nearer the front of the train and continue, across the waiting area into the recess in front of you. The lift door is on your right.

If you went through the other doors, turn right then continue, up the slope, into the other section of the waiting area. Continue, to the doors to the platform, on your right, before turning left, across the waiting area, into the recess to the lifrt. The lift door is on your right.

The call button is to your left of the door, go down to concourse level then leave via the other doors and turn right.

The lift is on your left, just before the end of the passage, with the call button to your right of the door. Go up to platform level, leave via the other doors then turn right. Follow the right hand wall, right then right again before continuing, through the automatic doors onto the platform. We believe you're about in the middle of the train.


Via the Stairs, to Platform 2

Go through the doors nearer the front of the train and take the turning right, this takes you over a short bridge above the passage.

If you come in via the other doors, turn right and continue to the far end of the waiting area. This leads you onto the short bridge over the passage.

There are six flights of seven steps between the platform and concourse levels. The top of the steps leads away from you to your right at about 1:30, go down this flight of steps, then follow the steps down to your right, down five more flights, to concourse level.

Bear left (10:30) from the foot of the steps and continue into the concourse, note that there are two pillars across the entrance to the concourse from the foot of these steps. Turn left then left again and continue to the end of the passage.

The foot of the stairs is on your left at the end of the passage, there's tactile flooring before the foot of the stairs. You go up two flights of steps. At this point, there are two fire doors in front of you with tactile flooring before these.

Turn left (180 degrees), go up a flight of steps, turn right (180 degrees) then go up another flight before turning right again (180 degrees) and going up a third flight of steps to platform level.

At platform level, continue, beyond the recess to the lift on your right, past the wall then take the turning right and go through the automatic doors onto the platform. We believe you're about in the middle of the train.


Via the Escalator

Go through the doors nearer the rear of the train into the waiting area. Continue past the passage from the lift and stairs, and locate the escalators on your right, after about three metres.

If you went into this area via the other doors, turn left then follow the passage and take the turning right towards the escalators.

The left-hand escalator is normally the one you need. Go down to concourse level.

To Which Platform?
  To Platform 2, Westbound Mainline
To the Subway
To Platform 2, Westbound Mainline

Turn right, continue to the end of the passage and turn right. The escalators are in front of you, the left-hand escalator is normally the one you need. Go up to platform level, turn right and go through the automatic doors onto the platform. We believe you're beside the front half of the train.


From Platform 2, Westbound Mainline

The doors open on your left as you face the front of the train. The waiting area, with two sets of automatic doors, is about in the middle of the platform. The doors nearer the front of the train lead towards the escalators, whilst those nearer the rear lead towards the lift and stairs. Note that there's a walkway between these two sections of the waiting area.

There's tactile paving along the edge of this plagform.

Via the Lift

Leave the platform via the doors nearer the rear of the train then take the turning left.

If you leave via the other doors, turn left, continue to the wall at the end of the waiting area, turn right and take the turning left.

The stairs are in front of you and the lift is in a recess to your left before the top of the stairs. Take this turning left, then turn left again towards the lift, the call button is to your left of the door.

Go down to platform level, leave via the other doors, turn right and continue, beyond the escalators to the eastbound platform 1, on your left. The lift is on your left, immediately beyond the escalators. Note that there's a pillar opposite the door to the lift.

The call button is to your right of the door, go up to platform level and leave via the other doors. Turn left and continue, across the waiting area, through the automatic doors, onto the platform. We believe you're about in the middle of the train.


Via the Stairs

Leave the platform via the doors nearer the rear of the train then take the turning left.

If you leave via the other doors, turn left, continue to the wall at the end of the waiting area, turn right and take the turning left.

The stairs are in front of you, with tactile flooring at the top. Continue down a flight of steps, turn left (180 degrees) then go down another flight before turning left again (180 degrees) and going down a flight of steps. From here, you turn right (180 degrees) and go down two flights of steps, to concourse level. there's tactile flooring beyond the foot of these steps.

Note that there's also tactile flooring before the fire exit doors, which are beyond the foot of the third flight of steps down from platform level.

At concourse level, turn right, continue into the concourse then turn right and follow the right-hand wall round to the foot of the stairs. Note that there are two pillars in the entrance to the recess to these stairs.

There are six flights of seven steps between concourse and platform level. Having entered the gap from the concourse, the foot of the stairs is to your right leading away at about 1:30. Go up this flight then continue, following to your left, up five more flights, to platform level.

At the top, bear left (10:30), continue across a bridge over the passage, into the waiting area. Continue forward about two metres then turn left towards the automatic doors onto the platform. We believe you're about in the middle of the train.


Via the Escalator

Go through the doors nearer the front of the train into the waiting area and continue across the passage to the stairs and lift, then locate the escalators to your left.

If you come in via the doors nearer the rear of the train, turn right then follow the passage and take the left turning towards the escalators.

The left-hand escalator is normally the one you need. Go down to concourse level and continue forward for a few metres into the passage.

To Which Platform?
  To Platform 1, Eastbound Mainline
To the Subway
To Platform 1, Eastbound Mainline

Turn left, continue along the passage and take the first turning left, towards the escalators. The left-hand escalator is normally the one you need. Go up to platform level, turn left and go through the automatic doors onto the platform. We believe you're beside the rear half of the train.


To the Subway

To buy your ticket, turn left, continue into the concourse and follow the left-hand side of the concourse, past the first two windows. Turn left to the third or fourth window, which have red counters. This is open between 6:30 am and 11:20 pm.

Holders of concessionary cards (disabled and over 60) are required to buy a 40p concession ticket, whilst blind people with passes are encouraged to collect a free ticket from the sales window. The free tickets are single journey tickets which operate the automatic gates.

Having got your ticket, cross the concourse, turn right and follow the barrier to your left towards the gates. You pass the gates to the outer circle before you reach those for the inner.

For the outer circle, you go through the gates nearer the ticket sales windows. The first two automatic gates are entrances, whilst the manual gate is beyond the two exits. Go through the gates and continue to the escalators in front of you. The left-hand escalator is normally the one you need. Go down to subway level and follow the wall on your left which juts out then veers left again along the platform, you're near the rear of the train.


For the inner circle, you go through the further set of gates from the ticket sales windows. You pass a manual gate, then the two exits before you reach the entrances. Go through the gates and continue forward to the escalators. The right-hand escalator is normally the one you need. Go down to subway level and follow the wall on your right which juts out then veers right again, along the platform, you're near the front of the train.


From the Subway, Inner Circle

The doors open on your left as you face the front of the train. Go to the wall in front of you, turn right (towards the front of the train). The wall retreats left as you approach the foot of the escalators. The right-hand escalator is normally the one you need. Go up to concourse level. The right-hand two of the four gates in front of you are exits and the manual gate is to your right of these. Go through the gates.

From the Subway, Outer Circle

The doors open on your left as you face the front of the train. Go to the wall in front of you then turn left (towards the rear of the train). The wall retreats to your right as you approach the foot of the escalators. The left-hand escalator is normally the one you need. Go up to concourse level. The left-hand two of the four gates in front of you are exits and the manual gate is to your left of these. Go through the gates.

Turn right, continue, across the concourse to the ticket sales windows, in front of you. The left-hand two of the four windows (with blue counters) are for Scotrail ticket sales.

For Platform 1, Eastbound, Towards Glasgow Central or Queen Street

Turn left from the ticket sales window, continue past the lift and take the first turning right (north) towards the escalators. Note that there's a pillar in the passage outside the lift door. The left-hand escalator is normally the one you need. Go up to platform level, turn left and continue through the automatic doors onto the platform. we believe you're beside the rear half of the train.


For Platform 2, Westbound Towards Helensburgh

Turn left from the ticket sales window and continue along the passage in front of you. As you reach the end of this passage, the escalators are on your right, whilst the stairs lead left from the end of the passage, with the lift just before these.

Turn right at the end of the passage and continue towards the escalators. The left-hand escalator is normally the one you need. Go up to platform level, turn right and go through the automatic doors onto the platform. We believe you're beside the front half of the train.

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© 2005, Terry Robinson