
This is a rectangular space, plus a passage leading west towards the escalator, lift and stairs to the westbound mainline platform. The concourse is divided into two sections by the barrier and gates to the Subway. This barrier surrounds the southeast section of the concourse leaving a T-shaped space outside the gates.

The area outside the gates runs west from the main entrance and south towards the new, south entrance. The ticket sales windows are on the north side, the stairs, lifts and escalators to the mainline platforms are towards the northwest, whilst the gates to the Subway lead east. For convenience, we'll call the section leading west from the main entrance the north section and that leading from the south entrance the south section.

The area inside the gates is a rectangular space with the escalators to the Subway on the east side and the gates on the west.

Outside the Gates

The North Section

You go through a set of automatic doors onto tactile flooring, up a slight slope, then through another set of automatic doors, into the concourse.

East Side, Going South

coffee shop, Bean Me Up

South Side, Going West

glass barrier
statue with rail round, jutting out
paper rack
ticket machine for Subway, with Metro rack below
glass barrier turns left (south)
south section, leading to gates to Subway and south exit
wall with timetables etc.
lift to westbound platform 2
stairs to westbound platform 2

West Side, Going North

  foot of stairs to westbound platform 2
blank wall
foot of escalators to westbound platform 2, up north

North Side, Going West

  unisex, accessible toilet, access via RADAR key or ask staff at first ticket window
blank door
Subway sales window, normal height red counter
Subway sales window, lowered red counter
First Scotrail sales window, lowered blue counter
First Scotrail sales window, normal height blue counter
wall retreats
call button for lift to eastbound platform 1
lift to eastbound platform 1, pillar on left
wall retreats
down escalator from eastbound platform 1
up escalator to eastbound platform 1
wall juts out
blank wall
wall retreats
down escalator from westbound platform 2
up escalator to westbound platform 2

The South Section

There's a row of pillars along the middle of this space.

East Side, Going South

  glass barrier
2 automatic entrances, towards outer circle
2 automatic exits from outer circle
Manual gate
glass barrier with billboard in front
manual gate
2 automatic exits from inner circle
2 automatic entrances towards inner circle
glass barrier veers slightly left towards south exit

South Side, Going West

  south exit
emergency exit
blank door

West Side, Going North

  2 blank doors
ticket machine for Subway
2 blank doors, bus information above
WH Smith
pillar in middle includes signs for facilities within the station
recess with two pillars across, leading to stairs to eastbound platform 1
passage towards westbound platform 2

Inside the Gates

South Side


West Side, Going North

  glass barrier
2 entrances for inner circle
2 exits from inner circle
manual gate
manual gate
2 exits from outer circle
2 entrances for outer circle

North Side


East Side, Going South

  down escalator to outer circle
up escalator from outer circle
outer circle sign
inner circle sign
up escalator from inner circle
down escalator to inner circle

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© 2009, Terry Robinson