
There are four customer lifts in this station, between platform level and the south subway.

The lift to Platforms 1 - 2

At Platform Level

There's a rail leading towards the lift, extending a few metres along platform 1. You enter facing north, the call button is at wheelchair height to your right (east) of the door.

Inside the Lift

The buttons are on the left-hand (west) side of the lift, in one column - from the bottom: down, up, open doors and alarm. All buttons have embossed markings.

The intercom speaker is on the right-hand (east) side of the lift, opposite the buttons.

At Subway Level

The door is on the north wall of the subway, you enter vfacing north. The call button is at wheelchair height, to your right (east) of the door.

The Lift to Platforms 3 - 4

At Platform Level

The lift is housed in a separate building east of the administrative building on platform 4. You enter facing south. The call button is to your right (west) of the door, at wheelchair height.

Inside the Lift

The panel with buttons is to your right (west) as you go in.

There's a single column of buttons with embossed markings, from the bottom: Down, Up, Open Doors and Alarm.

The intercom speaker is on the east side of the lift, opposite the buttons.

In the Subway

The call button is to your right (west) of the door, about a metre high.

The Lift to Platforms 5 - 6

At Platform Level

You enter facing north, the call button is to your right of the door, at wheelchair height.

Inside the Lift

The panel with buttons is to your right (east) as you go in.

There's a single column of buttons with embossed markings, from the bottom: Down, Up, Open Doors and Alarm.

The intercom speaker is on the west side of the lift, opposite the buttons.

In the Subway

The call button is to your right (east) of the door, about a metre high.

The Lift to Platform 7 and Way Out

At Platform Level

The call button is in the top section of the housing to your right (south) of the door. There's an emergency phone to your right of this.

Inside the Lift

The panel with buttons is to your left (north) as you go in. These unmarked buttons are in two rows:

In the Subway

The call button is in the top section of the metal housing to your right (south) of the door.

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© 2007, Terry Robinson