
This is the pedestrian subway between all platforms and the subway entrance to the station.

Although there is stairs access to platforms 1 - 2, there is step-free access to other platforms, though the ramps are quite steep.

To Reach

From Platforms 1 - 2

You go down 17 steps, going south into the subway, turn left (east) for other platforms and way out.

From Platforms 3 - 4

You go down a steep ramp, going north; turn right (180 degrees, south) then down another steep ramp into the subway. There's a hand rail to each side of each ramp. Turn right for platforms 1 - 2, left for other platforms and way out.

From Platforms 5 - 6

You go down the ramp, which has a hand rail to each side, going south into the subway. Turn right for platforms 1 - 4, turn left for platform 7 and way out.

From Platform 7

You go down the ramp, which has a hand rail to each side, going south into the subway. Turn right for platforms 1 - 6.


West End

  blank door

North Side, Going East|

  steps from platforms 1 - 2 (17 steps going up north)
slope down
slope up
ramp to platforms 3 - 4
slope down then level
ramp to platforms 5 - 6

South Side, Going East

  help point, opposite the steps from platforms 1 - 2
slope down
trolley point
slope up
blank door
help point, opposite the ramp to platforms 3 - 4
departure screen
slope down then level
help point, opposite the ramp to platforms 5 - 6

East End

  blank door
ramp to platform 7 and way out, turn left (north)

The ramp to the way out and platform 7 leads straight up, north, with a hand rail to each side.

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© 2007, Terry Robinson