
Platform 3, which we understand to be the main southbound platform for GNER services, lies west of the concourse. Platform 4 leads north from this, from a point a few metres north of the concourse.

There are two bay platforms to the east of platforms 3 and 4. Platform 1, to the south, shares an island with platform 3; whilst platform 2, to the north shares an island with platform 4.

There's no tactile paving near the edges of these platforms.

Platform 3, Going South from the South Steps to the Bridge

  first door to GNER lounge, wheelchair height button on the right (south)
3 seats
second door to lounge, button to left
gap towards subway
lift, set out from previous frontage

Gap to Left Luggage and Fire Exit

Beyond the lift, you can turn left, across the north end of platform 1, into an area with:

North Side

  outside of lounge with boxes and plants

East Side

  phones on wall
left luggage, car hire and cycle store
large trolleys
bike stands, bikes for hire
3 parking payment machines, cards or cash
bike stands

You can turn left (east), beyond the parking payment machines, between bike stands towards the fire exit, at 11 o'clock. The fire exit, from the northeast corner of this area, brings you out onto the north side of the car park entrance road.

Two ramps lead south from this area into the executive car park with two disabled bays at the north end. This could be quite difficult to find.

Continuing Beyond the Gap

bollards along left-hand side
coach B
slight dip onto different surface, bay platform 1 now on east side of island
4 back-to-back seats
soft drinks and snack vending machine
4 back-to-bac seats
coach D
4 back-to-back seats
3 seats facing platform 3
3 back-to-back seats
4 seats facing platform 3
coach E
4 back-to-back seats
post with two departure screens on platform 3
waiting room with rail round, entrance in north side
wooden benches facing platform 3, outside waiting room
coach F, standard class, wheelchair accccessible
pair of pillars
4 seats, facing platform 1
pair of pillars
movable ramp
coach L, first class wheelchair accessible
pair of pillars
4 seats facing platform 3
pair of pillars
pair of pillars, gap getting narrower
pair of pillars close together
pair of pillars touching
2 more pairs
1 pillar
station sign
nothing of interest beyond this point
stop here sign
slope off end

Platform 3, Going North from the South Steps to the Bridge

This description starts from the west side of the Upper Crust kiosk, which is in the southwest corner of the concourse. By splitting it in this way, we give an indication of the sequence of services presented as you move away from the concourse. You'll note that we go some distance before we reach what appeared to be designated as the south end of platform 4.

  steps up north to bridge
3 plants
4 seats
blank door
3 plants
post on right
foot of north steps to bridge, beside building with cash machines
post on right
steps, blocked to public
cross-shaped display boards
goods lift

Beyond the goods lift is an area recessed south with:

South Side

  chaplin's office

East Side, Going North

  blank door
hire car area
emergency ambulance area

Continuing North from the Goods Lift

  plants and posts, between the platform and the area described above
gents toilets
platform 2 starts on right-hand side of island
row of bollards, about two metres from the edge of platform 2
6 display boards, 2 departure screens above
surface changes at start of platform 4
plants and trolley point
pairs of posts, along the platform
double snack machine
4 back-to-back seats
4 display boards on right, platform 2
4 back-to-back seats
4 display boards
building, not for public use, in middle
2nd building, not for public use
name sign
lamp posts along middle
station sign
shouldn't go beyond this point
slope off end

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© 2006, Terry Robinson