
The third floor is a large picture gallery containing portraits of all previous lord provosts.

There's a dome ceiling above each atrium, whilst the floor is inlaid with Venetian mosaic tiles. The middle section, above Queen's Square has embossed leather wall covering and ornate plasterwork and gold leaf ceiling, painted in white and blue, this is called the "Wedgwood Ceiling".

The atrium above the Working Staircase has a banister around the stairwell. This staircase does not reach this floor.

The door to the Visitors Gallery is on the west side of the middle section. There will be a member of staff at this door during council meetings. There are six steps down into the seating area, so this is not accessible to wheelchairs. We understand that space for wheelchairs is available within the Council Chamber.

To Reach

Having entered the building, continue forward to the reception desk. You will either be required to join one of the public tours of the building or, if you have other business within the building, you'll receive a pass.

Turn left, from Reception and continue, through the short corridor (including a steep ramp), to the foot of the Marble Staircase, go up a flight of steps, turn left (west) and go up another to the first floor. Turn left (south) follow the balustrade to the corner then turn left again (east). At the end of the balustrade, turn left (north) go up a flight of steps then turn left (west) and go up another flight to the second floor.

Turn left again (south), follow the balustrade to the end and turn left (east). Go up a flight of steps, turn left (north), go up two flights of steps then turn left again (west) up another flight of steps to reach the third floor.


Continue south along the balustrade, round a double pillar at the end. The balustrade continues east with double pillars, to the east wall.

East Side

  windows, opaque stained glass
wall juts out with ornate decorations
pillar on corner
wall retreats with:

North Side


East Side

  clear window to centre of building
wall juts out
wall retreats
more portraits and clear windows
door to kitchens, lift on north wall inside

South Side

  more portraits
blank door

West Side

  Central Library, "the information service"
blank door
wall juts out with 2 portraits
wall retreats
door to Visitors Gallery, staff should be there to assist during Council meetings.
blank door
wall juts out
2 pillars
wall retreats

North Side


West Side

blank door
blank door

North Side

  blank door
blank door

East Side

  blank door
balustrade round stair well

This balustrade runs back 180 degrees right from the top of the stairs.

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© 2004, Terry Robinson