General Information

The refreshments area is separated from the main concourse by a mainly glass wall with several sets of doors, the ground floor is a basically rectangular area with a piece, occupied by Dixons, missing from the west corner. The upper levels of this area are divided into three parts:

The Ground Floor

Northwest Side, Going Northeast

  4 seats facing southwest
first door to concourse
second and third doors to concourse

The northeast part of this area is beneath a lowered ceiling, under the Reef Bar.

Northeast Side, Going Southeast

  3 entrances, separated by pillars, to Rocket, wine and ready meals
2 entrances to Bodyshop
window to Bodyshop
2 windows to WH Smiths, entrance from main concourse
door to Reef Bar

Go through this door to the lift, in front of you, the call button is to your right of the door.

Southeast Side, Going Southwest

Marks & Spencer

Southwest Side, in Line with the Southwest Side of Platform 1, Going Northwest

A row of pillars runs about one metre from this wall.

  2 entrances to Sainsbury's
blank door
exit from station, towards the taxi rank

There are two large, square pillars across the end of this passage, slope up to glass wall with central automatic doors. The slope continues, past two more square pillars, onto the pavement. There are departure and arrival boards high up on the northwest side of this passage.

Continuing Southwest Side, Beyond the Exit

  display board, jutting out
blank door

Glass wall juts out northeast to form a short corridor with:

Southwest Side


Northwest End

  automatic door to concourse

Northeast Side

  Currency Express, counter with 3 windows
blank door

Northwest Side, of Main Area, Going Northeast

  entrance to Van Heusen, shirts and ties
RBS, NATWEST cash points
2 photo booths
pillar with phones on northeast and southwest sides

We're now at the foot of the escalators between the ground and first floor levels. The downward escalator, descending northeast lies southeast of the upward escalator, ascending southwest. Beyond the escalators, is a recess with:

Southeast Side of Recess, Going Southwest

pillar with phones on northeast and southwest sides

Southwest Side

glass wall with entrance to Dixons continues into the west corner

Within the Ground Floor Area

The Paddington Bear statue is in the recess northwest of the escalators.

Northeast of here is Yo Sushi, about 1.5 metres from the northwest wall, with seats round.

Continuing Northeast

  flower stall
row of pillars, running Northwest/southeast, supporting the lowered ceiling

There's an area of back-to-back seats just beyond these pillars.

Southeast of Yo Sushi is a seating area with tables and chairs belonging to Café Ritazza.

Southeast of the flower stall is a kiosk called Clinique, cosmetics, to the southeast of which steps go up southeast to the Reef Bar. There's a trolley point to the southwest of these Steps.

Steps go up southwest to the first floor level from southeast of the foot of the escalators. There's a trolley point southeast of these Steps, with a lift beyond this. There's a tactile mat in front of the lift door, with the call button to your right of the door.

Going southeast from the photo booths are four pillars with phones on the east and west sides.

Southeast of the cash points is a pair of pillars with back-to-back seats, southeast of these is a Tie Rack kiosk, with free standing displays round.

There's another pair of pillars, (northwest/southeast), southeast of Tie Rack and northeast of Sainsbury's.


The Reef Bar

To Reach the Reef Bar

From the main concourse, go up the escalator to the northeast of the Underground station entrance onto a short bridge, go through the automatic door in front of you, into the Reef Bar.

There's a seating area with chairs and tables in front of you and to your left, the bar is to the left, northeast, beyond the seats. Once through the door, turn left beyond the pot plant into the seating area, the bar is to your right.

To Leave the Reef Bar via Lift or Stairs

If you continue southeast from the door, you're on a balcony with the bar to your left and a barrier across the end.

The door to the lift is in the end of the left-hand side of the balcony. Having gone through this door, you need to bear slightly right, avoiding beer kegs, to locate the lift door, the call button is to your right.

For the stairs, turn right (southwest) at the end, continue to a barrier and turn right again (northwest) to face the stairs. Go down 9 then 10 steps, going northwest to the ground floor, There's tactile flooring at the top of these Steps.


The Southwest, First Floor Level

This first floor level has a mainly tiled floor, except for the areas towards the northwest and southeast sides which are glass.

To Reach the First Floor Level

Go up 17 steps, going southwest, or take the right-hand escalator. There's tactile flooring at the top of these steps.

Going Clockwise from the Top of the Steps

Northeast Side

  glass barrier
lift, call button to your left of the door
glass barrier juts southwest
free standing board

Continue southeast into a passage with a glass barrier on each side. The doors to the Hilton Hotel are in front of you.

Southwest Side

  glass barrier
down escalator from second floor level, descending northeast
up escalator to second floor level, ascending southwest
Sanity, music shop
glass floor returns
blank recess to southwest

Northwest Side

  doors, entrance only from the escalator from the concourse

Northeast side

  blank recess
display pillar
glass barrier
escalators to ground floor level, opposite those to second
glass barrier
steps up to second floor level, tactile flooring at the foot
recess to steps to ground floor level


The Second Floor Level

This is an area with seating, there's an atrium in the middle surrounded by barriers. The top of the escalators from the first floor level is in the west corner of the atrium.

To Reach the Second floor Level

Either take the upward escalator, opposite that from the ground floor into the west corner, or go up 11 steps, going northeast, curve round to your right 180 degrees, up 11, going southwest, into the middle of the northeast side.

The Second Floor Level, Going Clockwise from the West Corner

Northwest Side

  Cafe Red

Northeast Side

steps from first floor
lift, call button to your left of the door

Southeast Side

  tables and chairs

Southwest Side

  4 entrances into the Mad Bishop and Bear Bar
fire exit
staff entrance


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© 2004, Terry Robinson